Sunday 17 February 2008

Who killed King Tewdrig, Saint and Martyr a Mediaeval Whodunnit!

My podcast Mary in Monmouthshire has been achieved using new equipment which I hope will improve the quality of my output. In Part One I have recorded the story as it appears in the Liber Landaviensis (Book of Llandaff) complete with the prophecy of the Angel of the Lord. I also speak about my car problems, the lovely Spring weather and my trip to Llandaff. But the soundseeing there is for another episode!
Download it by downloading itunes 7 free
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I will definately include it in my podcasts.I can see listeners from all over the world. You can join facebook if you like and join our maryinmonmouth group-we'd love to see you.

We have had frost the last two nights, but lovely spring weather by day!

Friday 8 February 2008

Glastonbury and the first Christian Church in the Isles

And did those feet in ancient times
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the Holy Lamb of God
on England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark Satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of Fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till I have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.
- William Blake, 1757-1827
Email me with your contributions or voicemail them-and I will play them if I can (send mp3 only please) (2 'ls' in allsorts!)Enjoy!
What is an allsort? where did it come from?
Some discussion of Father Ted TV series.Recommended DVD Cadfael by Ellis Peters,whole series available on online book stores.My news and Catholic news in UK. New companion in Dr Who. Tell me about your favourite episodes in the first and second series and tell me why-especially if you can spot the Christian imagery used. The trials of driving!Facebook.
This weeks historical segment is about Glastonbury. Is it the holiest place in Britain?

Blake's poem Jerusalem is about Glastonbury, comparing is fervour and freshness of the early church, with the dehumanisin smutty grind of the Industrial Revolution when he lived.We amy never know if Christ 'The Lamb of God' actually visited Glastonbury as a child, but there are sources.
In the year 63 A. D. St Peter sent the Apostles all over the known world to preach the gospel. Joseph of Arimathea with eleven companions was sent to Britain from Gaul by St Philip the Apostle. Joseph of Arimathea was great Uncle to Jesus and received his body, donating a tomb to him, where Our Lord was buried.It is thought they sailed to what was Bristol and travelled overland to Glastonbury. In common with earliest practices they went to what was already a revered site in pre Christian times, because of its 'Zodiac' and streams. The king of the period, Aviragus, gave to these twelve holy men the Island of Ynyswitrin (Glastonbury) and there, in obedience to a vision, they built a church in honour of The Blessed Virgin Mary.Records show this church, called the vetusta ecclesia or lignea basilica, from its being constructed of osiers wattled together, was found more than one hundred years later by Fagan and Deruvian, missionaries sent to Lucius, King of the Britons, by Pope Eleutherius. St Fagan arrived in South Wales.

Here therefore the missionaries settled, repaired the vetusta ecclesia, and, on their departure, chose twelve of their convertsto remain in the island as hermits in memory of the original twelve. This community of twelve hermits is described as continuing unmodified until the coming of St Patrick the Apostle of the Irish, in 433, who taught the hermits to live together as a community. St. David of Menevia (Wales)is also stated to have come thither, built another monastery, and presented a famous jewel known as the Great Sapphire of Glastonbury.
The chronicler then goes on to record the death and burial of Arthur at Glastonbury and gives a list of British saintswho either died and were buried at Glastonbury, or whose bodies were translated thither on the gradual western advance of the conquering English. This is from the source of William of Malmesbury in 1135.
Later Catholic church councils acknowledged this pre eminence of Britain as a first Christian country and even Cardinal Pole alluded to it twice. This is discussed in more detail on the new podcast coming soon. Don't miss it.
I'll blog more about Glastonbury . There is lots to discuss.
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